About Me

When I was a kid our family used to go to my Dad's Uncle Arch and Aunt Edith's cottage along a little river at Sauble River, Ontario, Canada.  I loved it there.  The air was fresh, the trees were all 'christmas trees' (evergreens), the water was clean and clear, there were even Indians living across the river on a reserve.  This was our 'going up north' trips that we made every summer when I was young.

Later in my twenties I went on several wilderness canoe trips.  They were what really gave me a deep and profound love for nature.  For anyone who has never been on a wilderness canoe trip can really know or understand what it's like, to be totally immersed in and surrounded by only nature.  No human beings (other than your tripmates) whatsoever, no human machines or sounds, or buildings, or roads etc.  An unbelievable different world. 

However I never had a thought of 'protecting' it.  I didn't really even think that it needed protection.  It was just there, will always be there and that's it. 

It really wasn't until about eleven years ago in 1998 when I noticed some printed material from some nature conservation organization laying around and started reading about how nature was having a hard time, there were some serious issues in seemingly many areas, certain animals were declining...and how the environment and nature, wildlife and their habitat, should be protected.  Yet I also saw there was a heck of a lot of opposition to this.  A fair amount of turmoil and debate about it all.  

So I decided to simply look around at the natural world on the planet myself, look at it myself as to what sort of condition it was in, and saw that yes, it was in poor condition, was being beat up, had been beat up, wasn't doing too well at all, and so I decided to help it.

From that point on I have been on fire to help it.  I mean I always wondered about this thing of 'finding your life's purpose' like you see on Oprah or in a thousand books, yet never knew what it meant.  Was it something that was given to you, or you found it, or whatever?  But immediately I finally saw that this was, if not THE purpose in my life, it was a very BIG one.

The first thing I did was join many nature conservation organizations, donated money to them, participated especially in the Ontario government's initiative "Lands For Life" in which 50% of the land mass in Ontario, all crown land, was to have it's fate decided as to what various uses it would all be put to.  Whether recreational, protected areas, parks, industrial use, etc.  It was two years in the making.  In the end I helped protect over 1.2 million acres and helped create 375 new parks and protected areas in Ontario.  This almost doubled the amount of protected areas in Ontario from about 6% to 11%.

This was a great feeling.  Knowing that all the animals, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, plants, trees in these areas would NOT die because they weren't protected from industry exploitation of their habitats.  I've often said that if I died tomorrow I would die satisfied and content knowing this. 

Over the years I have written tons of letters ot various gov't. officials in charge of some environmental issue, to Ministers of various Ministries, signed more than 1,400 online petitions for various environmental causes, had tons of letters published in many newspapers and magazines regarding protecting nature, in short everywhere I could I have stood up for nature against being exploited or harmed.  There comes a time when one has to draw a line in the sand and remain firm for something no matter what opposition comes your way...and there is always 'reasons' and 'excuses' and 'justification' for over-consumption and over-harvesting and development of nature by human beings.  Sorry.  Sooner or later you have to draw a line in the sand.

My purpose with this website is simply to post some blogs about various things that come up that I feel strongly about regarding humans and the environment and nature. 

It is totally up to each person to agree, disagree, and do what they want with my viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be of value and to me, my bottom line is that they inspire others to EFFECTIVELY help the environment that each person lives in on this planet and the natural world as well.


Why people visit this website

People who choose to come here are aware of their close connection with the environment around them and how it directly or indirectly affects their survival and that of others in a good or bad way.

The environment is a broad term I use to include the air, water, soil, and all living things on this planet.  It can be viewed locally or in an ever-bigger picture right up to globally.  it is not something to neglect or continually take from and not give anything back. 

I also feel that human beings, because they have as a species caused considerable damage to the environment and natural world, it then behooves them even more to help repair it.  This is called taking responsibility for the conditions around oneself.

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